April Prevention Month Posters


Pearls Jewelry This fundraising jewelry is hand-made and beautiful.  Wear it to help raise awareness of CSA and help us raise funds to provide support to survivors and their caregivers.

Community Awareness Meeting Consisting of a video by Darkness to Light and a presentation of Lapeer P.E.A.R.L.S. to help Leaders in the community understand more deeply the effect of child sexual abuse into adulthood and learn how they can stand with us to make a difference.

Stewards of Children Consisting of D2L’s Stewards of Children video and workbook, this class give adults tools to prevent, recognize, and respond responsibly to child sexual abuse.  Approved  for 2 hours of CEU credit.  Certificates awarded at the end of class.

One thought on “April Prevention Month Posters

  1. Pingback: OUR KIDS | Lapeer P. E. A. R. L. S.

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